Having grown up in Alberta, I have always enjoyed the views when driving across the province. When I think of “landscapes” they include the mixture of Agriculture, Nature, and Industry. Seeing bridges, power lines, pump jacks, drilling rigs, refineries, mixed with farm land, granaries, forests, fields and old churches IS Alberta. Although I appreciate the lakes, mountains, and badlands, I want to honor authentic Alberta landscapes that I connect with and recognize. Industry often gets eliminated from landscape paintings, but I see its beauty. Knowing that industry is what fueled our province for many generations, including my parents, and how it is changing and in some cases disappearing, deserves to be represented.


Group of several pump jacks, reminds me of a group of sisters all lined up for a photo

“Lonely Jack”

Pump Jack in Alberta Heartlands Fall Farmland

“Single Jack Bowing”

Typical lone pump jack near the highway

“So Tired”

Old flat tire hung on post with barbed wire fence

“Vinca Graffiti”

Vinca Bridge Crossing the North Saskatchewan River in Alberta with Graffiti Art

“Gates Wide Open”

Entry to farmer’s field in North Central Alberta - Gates open at access point off of road