2020 Shows, Exhibitions and Competition Entries
Where can you see my art live? I will be in several competitions, shows and exhibits for 2020.
Night of Artists and NOA Artwalk (showing along with the Sculpture Association of Alberta SAA)
The Enjoy Centre; 101 Riel Drive St. Albert, AB
March 20 - 22 (Gala on the 20 has tickets available on eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/night-of-artists-xxiii-opening-night-gala-tickets-84954363789
Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove - Alberta Open Show Friends and Strangers; Portrait Show
Melcor Cultural Centre #35 5th Ave Spruce Grove, AB- Spruce Grove Art Gallery near the library
April 14 - May 1
ACACA North Zone Show (Alberta Community Art Clubs Association)
St. Paul Visual Arts Centre 4613 - 53 St. St. Paul, AB
May 9-10 (mother’s day weekend)
Alberta Lottery Fund Art Gallery (showing along with Redwater Art Society)
Dow Centennial Centre 8700 84 St. Fort Saskatchewan, AB
May 27 - June 28
Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove - Alberta Open Art Competition
Melcor Cultural Centre #35 5th Ave Spruce Grove, AB- Spruce Grove Art Gallery near the library
September 8 - October 2
I may also have works move forward to the Alberta Wide Show of the ACACA in Drumheller and the Spirit of Alberta show in Red Deer - more info to come.