To find out more about a sculpture or purchase just click on the image
The Embrace (Bronze)
The Embrace (Cold Cast Bronze Resin)
Family Album (Cold Cast Bronze Resin)
Family Album (White Resin)
UN-Supportive (Bronze)
UN-Supportive (Cold Cast Bronze Resin)
Dash (Bronze)
Dash (Cold Cast Bronze Resin)
Fierce (Cold Cast Bronze Resin on Walnut Board)
Neon (Bronze)
Neon (Cold Cast Resin/Silver Finish)
Comfort (at the end of a long day) (Bronze)
Comfort (at the end of a long day) (Cold Cast Bronze Resin
Sleepy Dog (Cold Cast Silver/Nickel Resin)
Wanna Play? (Cold Cast Silver/Nickel Resin)
If It Itches... (Cold Cast Silver/Nickel Resin)
New Vocabulary (Polymer Clay & Mixed Media)
Portrait of a Man (Fired Clay)
Ocean View Zen (Cold Cast Bronze Resin)