Strathcona Contemporary Exhibition and Art Acquisition
Honored to be have a sculpture in the exhibition this year. Formerly the Strathcona Salon - this year they have expanded the events and length of show. I am also one of the 7 featured artists speaking at the Pecha Kucha event on June 7. Hope to see you out :)
Strathcona Contemporary Exhibition: April 26 to June 22
Artists’ Meet & Greet: May 4 (1pm – 3pm) Gallery@501
Artists’ Pecha Kucha: June 7 (6:30pm – 9pm) Agora and Gallery@501
Seven artists from the Strathcona Contemporary exhibition will share their stories with the community and the annual art acquisitions (hosted in collaboration with the Arts and Culture Council of Strathcona County) will be announced.